Coogans Race

Coogans Race

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Weekend Warrior Workouts

Hello my fitties,
     this Saturday I made sure I stuck to my promise and went back to doing dreaded hill repeats. I hated every second of it, but it was worth it.

     Today I had the best experience of my life. Yes, you guessed it, an empty gym :). I was so psyched to be able to roam around the gym freely and go on any machine I wanted. Anyhoot, I know empty gym occurrences will stop happening within a week which I'm actually not mad at. If your resolution or goal is to exercise more than by all means take advantage of the deals gyms like to advertise at this time. Below is the workouts I performed this weekend.

Until next time fitties.

Saturday workout
5 mile run (1 mile of hill repeats)

Sunday workout
Warm up
Spartacus workout (10 exercises done in one minute intervals with 10 seconds rest)
Plank (1 minute)
Side planks with hip thrusts (45 seconds each side)
Hip Crossover (1 minute)
Kick downs (20 on incline bench)
Flutter kicks (3 sets of 20)
Reverse crunch (3 sets of 20)
Bicycle crunches (1 set of 50)
Squats on bosu ball ( 1 set of 50 using 22..5 lb body bar)
Squat Press Machine  a*k*a sled (both legs 3 sets 10 @ 270 lbs)
Squat Press Machine( each leg 3 sets of 10 @ 90 lbs)
Deadlifts (3 sets of 6 @ 135 lbs)
Squats with barbell (3 sets of 10 @ 135 lbs)
Standing squat machine (3 sets of 15 @ 225 lbs)
Calf raises ( 5 sets of 20 @ 225 lbs)
Barbell step ups ( 1 set of 15 each leg using 45 lb bar)
Standing Hip Abduction ( 2 sets of 20 @ 25 lbs)
Singles Knees ( 2 sets of 15 @ 50 lbs)
1 pull up w/o assistance :) :0 (yup, totally geeked off of that)

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